Friday, April 23, 2010

HW 4/23 Zheng He Article

Read the New York Times Article: "A New THeory Puts Chinese Fleet Ahead of Columbus" and answer the following questions on the back of the article.

If you lost our copy of the article you can easily find it again by searching the article's title with the words New York Times and the date of the article (March 17, 2002.

Questions: (do NOTE have to be in SRF format)

1. Are there any discrepancies (disagreements) among historians about where Zheng He travelled to?

2. What are the main arguments AGAINST Mr. Menzies' theory?

3. What is Menzies' primary piece of evidence? What are the supplementary (supporting) pieces of evidence?

4. Is it ethical to call a historian's personality into question when discussing his theory? Why/Why not?

5. Was Zheng He really China's "Columbus"?

6. Is there enough evidence presented to support the theory that the explorations of Zheng He were ahead of Columbus and Magellean? Explain.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Study Guide: Early China and Japan

Terms to Know:


Ancient China
Mandate of Heaven
Dynastic Cycle
Han, Tang, and Song Dynasties
-Golden Ages
Civil Service System
Silk Road
Mongols (Yuan Dynasty)
Ghengis Khan
Kublai Khan
Pax Mongolia


Arable Land
Terrace Farming
Heian Period
-Lady Murasaki
-Tale of Genji
-Kabuki Theater
Bushido (vs. Chivalry)
Tokugawa Shogunate

Monday, April 19, 2010

HW 4/19 Ch. 7 Sec. 4

Read Chapter 12, Section 4 in your textbook and complete the following tasks.

** In class, I told you it was Chapter 7, Section 4 but I was wrong, its Chapter 12, Section 4!!! Sorry for the confusion!***

Due: Wednesday, April 21st

1. Identify the following terms:

a. Samurai
b. Bushido
c. shogun

2. Answer the following question in SRF format:

A. What influence did China have on Japanese culture

B. Describe the structure of Japanese society (government)after the Heian period.