Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December Break Assignment

Read: Chapter 13, Section 3
Task: Take notes in format, see below for a format reminder especially if you have been losing points for not following the format.
Due: Monday, January 3, 2011

For those who have been absent unexpectedly in the last week before December Break: You are expected to keep up with the work! Please email me and let me know if you have any questions about the work and I will forward you electronic copies of our classwork. I expect to receive Chapter 13, Sections 1-3 from you when you return.

Previous Assignments that you may have missed:
Chapter 13, Section 1 (Assigned Thursday 12/16; Due: Monday 12/20)
Chapter 13, Section 2 ( Assigned Monday 12/20; Due: Wednesday 12/22)

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9

Chapter 13, Section 3

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hagia Sofia: Istanbul, Turkey July 2009

Hagia Sofia
Does Procopious' description of Hagia Sofia accurately describe the building in the pictures below?

These pictures are from Ms. Hanemann's trip to Istanbul in July 2009

The Imperial Door- only emperors were allowed to pass through this door

Hallway to upper level

View from Upper Level

View from Second Level

Stained Glass Windows near alter

View from Ground Floor when you first enter

View of Hagia Sofia from outside.

Ms. Hanemann on the second floor of Hagia Sofia (July 2009)

Monday, December 6, 2010

HW 12/6 Ch. 11, Sec. 1

Read: Chapter 11, Section 1
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Tuesday, 12/7

Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9

Chapter 11, Section 1

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
  • Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea