Task: Take notes in format, see below for a format reminder especially if you have been losing points for not following the format.
Due: Monday, January 3, 2011
For those who have been absent unexpectedly in the last week before December Break: You are expected to keep up with the work! Please email me and let me know if you have any questions about the work hhanemann@gmail.com and I will forward you electronic copies of our classwork. I expect to receive Chapter 13, Sections 1-3 from you when you return.
Previous Assignments that you may have missed:
Chapter 13, Section 1 (Assigned Thursday 12/16; Due: Monday 12/20)
Chapter 13, Section 2 ( Assigned Monday 12/20; Due: Wednesday 12/22)
Note-Taking Format Reminder:
1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading
Sample Notes should be in the following format:
Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9
Chapter 13, Section 3
Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition
Red Heading turned into a question that you can answer using your bullet points?
- Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
- Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea
- Bullet point that answers your heading question and is a main idea