Complete the first draft of your paper using your outline and our conference to help you.
Due: Monday, 3/7
- Does not have to be typed, but it is suggested that you find a way to compile your paper electronically before our computer-based classes on Wednesday and Thursday.
- If you type, it is suggested that you try to format your paper as close to the final draft as possible.
- If you have difficult-to-read handwriting, please type your paper so that your peer editors can read it with ease
- If you type, please remember that the school is experiencing technical difficulties that may prevent you from printing your paper on Monday morning. Please make arrangements to print your paper before coming to school on Monday.
- You should attempt to write every paragraph-- the entire paper. For the first draft you should have at least 5 sentences for each paragraph.
- You do not need to include a works cited page HOWEVER, there should be evidence in your paper that you used all four of your sources (ex: quotes, authors, paraphrasing)
- Below list* of a few of the items that peer editors will be looking for:
- Your thesis
- Topic sentences
- Transitional sentences
- Evidence that you used all of your sources
- Evidence that you completed the task of each paragraph
- Evidence that you are regularly relating your paragraphs back to your thesis.
- Definitions of each political sentence, time, place, who benefits
- A fully developed concluding paragraph where you prove that your thesis is accurate.
- Includes Connections to another idea or event in history
- Proper use of grammar and spelling
- Accurate details
- Academic language that follows the guidelines in our "How To DBQ" Packet.