Thursday, March 29, 2012

Study Guide: Renaissance & Protestant Reformation

Exam: The Renaissance & the Protestant Reformation
Date: Wednesday, April 4 

Materials to Study:

Chapter 14, Section 2,3
Chapter 17, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4
Notes on Renaissance Artists
Reformation Documents
Printing Press Docs

Key Terms:
Pre-Conditions to the Renaissance:
Commercial Revolution
Middle Class
Renaissance Key Terms:
Printing Press
Renaissance Man
Artists (Rafael, Michelangelo, Donatello, DaVinci)
Printing Press
Da Vinci

Reformation Key Terms:

Martin Luther
Johann Tetzel
95 Theses
The Elect
King Henry VIII
Act of Supremacy
Council of Trent
The Index
Church of England (Anglican)
John Knox

Exam Format:

Multiple Choice (50)

Regents Prep Practice Multiple Choice for Renaissance
Regents Prep Practice Multiple Choice for Reformation

How to Use Your Notes for Studying:
  1. Highlight Questions from Headings in HW
  2. Do your notes answer the heading questions? If not, what are the answers to those questions?
  3. Highlight Vocabulary from HW and in class assignments (including notes)
  4. Find places where your HW notes match up with our classwork/class notes. If the information is in both then that means its IMPORTANT!
  5. Find places where all of your notes and assignments match up with the Study Guide-- THAT MEANS ITS ON THE EXAM!
  6. Can you answer all of the Aims from class since we began our work on the Renaissance?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

HW 3/22 Ch. 17, Sec. 3 & 4

Read:Chapter 17, Section 3 & 4 (should be reading about THE NORTHERN ITALIAN RENAISSANCE)
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Chapter 17, Sec 3: Monday, 3/26; Chapter 17, Sec. 4: Thursday, 3/29
Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9

Chapter 17, Section 3/4

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading Turned into a Question?
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question.

Friday, March 16, 2012

HW 3/16 Ch. 17, Sec. 2

Read:Chapter 17, Section 2 (should be reading about THE NORTHERN ITALIAN RENAISSANCE)
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Monday. 3/19
Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9

Chapter 17, Section 2

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading Turned into a Question?
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HW 3/13 Ch. 17, Sec. 1

Read:Chapter 17, Section 1 (should be reading about THE RENAISSANCE)
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Friday. 3/16
Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9

Chapter 17, Section 1

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading Turned into a Question?
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

HW 3/8 Ch. 14, Sec. 3

Read:Chapter 14, Section 2 Section 3<--- I made a mistake! We've already read Chapter 14, Sec. 2, so we're reading section 3 instead. So sorry! You should be reading about the development of England and France. Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Monday. 3/12
Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9

Chapter 14, Section 2

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading Turned into a Question?
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Study Guide: Japanese Feudalism, Mongols and African Kingdoms

Exam: Thursday, March 8, 2012
Exam Format:Multiple Choice (20 Qs); Mapping (20 Qs)

Materials to Study:
Ch. 12, Sec. 4 (Shintoism, Japanese Feudalism)
Ch. 12, Sec. 2/3 (Mongols)
Ch. 8, Sec. 1 (African Geography)
Ch. 15, Sec. 2 (African Kingdoms)
Shintoism Worksheet
Feudalism in Japan documents and samurai vs knight story
Packet on Mongols
Packet on African Kingdoms

Key Terms to Know:

Genghis Khan
Kublai Khan
Marco Polo

Natural Barriers
West African Kingdom
Mali, Ghana, Songhai
Mansa Musa
Ibn Battuta

Mapping Items to Know:

Map of Japan:
Mt. Fuji

Map of Africa:

Niger River
Lake Victoria
Lake Chad
Red Sea
Congo River
Mediterranean Sea
Atlas Mountains
Mt. Kilimanjaro
Kalahari Desert
Great Rift Valley
Libyan Desert

Study Options:

1. Spend 20 minutes a day studying on your own (you can do it on the train!)
2. Come see Ms. Hanemann for 10 minutes of power studying during Lunch and Learn or SOS (or both!)

How to Use Your Notes for Studying:
1. Highlight Questions from Headings in HW
2. Do your notes answer the heading questions? If not, what are the answers to those questions?
3. Highlight Vocabulary from HW and in class assignments (including notes)
4. Find places where your HW notes match up with our classwork/class notes. If the information is in both then that means its IMPORTANT!
5. Find places where all of your notes and assignments match up with the Study Guide-- THAT MEANS ITS ON THE EXAM!
6. Can you answer all of the Aims from class since we began our work on the Japanese Feudalism, the Mongols, African Kingdoms

Practice Multiple Choice
Feudal Japan
African Kingdoms
There are no practice questions for the Mongols

HW 3/2 Ch. 15, Sec. 2

Read:Chapter 15, Section 2 (should be reading about AFRICAN KINGDOMS)
Task: Take notes on the reading using our Note-Taking Format
Due: Monday. 3/5
Note-Taking Format Reminder:

1. Identify and Define any vocabulary at the beginning of your notes
2. Turn Red Headings into Questions
3. Answer the heading questions by developing 3-5 bullet points from the reading

Sample Notes should be in the following format:

Your Name
Ms. Hanemann
Global 9

Chapter 15, Section 2

Vocabulary word 1: Definiton
Vocabulary word 2: Definition
Vocabulary word 3. Definition

Red Heading Turned into a Question?
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question
  • Bullet Point of information that answers the question.