Friday, September 17, 2010

HW 9/17 Classroom Agreement

  1. Bring the in the Classroom Agreement signed by you and your parent/guardian.
  2. Have all of your required materials (page 2 of the syllabus)
  3. Bring in your Portfolio Binder to store in the classroom.
Due: Monday, September 20th
Suggestions for completing this assignment:

  • Detach the Classroom Agreement from the last page of your syllabus. 
  • Review the syllabus with you parent/guardian before they sign it
  • You and your parent/guardian must sign the Classroom Agreement
    • Be sure to PRINT your name where it is asked
    • Parent/Guardians need to include a phone number where they can be reached and an email address if available. 
  • Review the "Required Materials" Section of your syllabus
Congratulations on completing your first week of high school!

The radio story we listened to in class on Thursday is from the Chicago Public Radio Program This American Life #199 House on Loon LakeIf you would like to finish listening to the story please click on the link above to stream the episode (I suggest you fast forward to 15:50, where we left off in class). You can also download the show on iTunes.